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bibl. record id: 3459 Approved (l.gianazza)
(R.A. Abdy)
The Patching Hoard
Abbreviation: ABDY 2013
Acronym: No

in Late Roman silver and the end of the Empire: the Traprain Treasure in context, ed. by F. HUNTER, K. PAINTER, Edinburgh 2013, pp.107-115


Formatted title

R.A. ABDY, The Patching Hoard, in Late Roman silver and the end of the Empire: the Traprain Treasure in context, ed. by F. HUNTER, K. PAINTER, Edinburgh 2013, pp.107-115

History of changes

22/12/2015 18:37:20 - Approved (l.gianazza)
23/03/2015 14:01:24 - Approved (l.gianazza)

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