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cod. persona: 9207 status di approvazione: public
Joachim Hochstetter
Periodo di attività: 1527 Sesso: M

Varianti del nome documentate:
- Joachim Hochstetter

Attività di zecca
Edinburgh 1527 (non specificato)

Il Forrer (1902-30, II, pp. 509-510) riporta: [Joachim Hochstetter] struck Groats and one-third Groats of the third issue of James V. of Scotland (1527), under a contract between the Edinburgh Mint and himselfi n conjunction with his brothers. They were also ordered to make two-thirds Groats, but none appear to have been struck. The Groats of this issue were known as "Douglas" Groats, because they were struck while Sir Archibald Douglas of Kilspindie was Lord High Treasurer of Scotland. The Groat was then current for 18 d. [...] The agreement with the Hochstetters was that for every pound of pure silver coined by them they should give to the king twenty Shillings Scottish. Further, they were taken bound to import and fabricate as much silver monev as would allow to the king, during each of the ten years of their contract, a royalty of at least £. 3000 Scottish, and this sum was to be secured to his majesty and his successors, whether the amount of money that was requisite to yield it should have been coined or not.

Fonte: FORRER 1902-30 II, p. 509

Relazioni con altre maestranze di zecca
insieme a (fratelli di Joachim Hochstetter) 1527

Zecca: Edinburgh
Fonte: FORRER 1902-30 II, p. 509

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