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cod. persona: 9073 status di approvazione: public
Josef Harrucker
Periodo di attività: 1713 Sesso: M

Varianti del nome documentate:
- Josef Harrucker

Il Forrer (1902-30, II, p. 432) riporta: Imperial Court-councillor, who in 1713 was ordered to coin into imperial Thalers 81.663 Philippi, 200.000 Guineas and 1970 Pistoles which had been withdrawn at the Augsburg Mint. This was done in conjunction with Prunner, Mint-warden at Hall, and Angermeyer, Mint-warden at Munich, the result being an issue of Thalers to the value of 753239 fl. 35 kr.

Relazioni con altre maestranze di zecca
vedi anche Moritz Angermayr

vedi anche Prunner

altre informazioni:

schede che puntano qui

Moritz Angermayr

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