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cod. persona: 9038 status di approvazione: public
J. Handmann
Periodo di attività: 1770 – 1798 Sesso: M

Varianti del nome documentate:
- J. Handmann

Attività di zecca
Basilea 1770 – 1798 Coin-engraver [EN]

Il Forrer (1902-30, II, p. 416) riporta: His signature appears on the following coins: Thaler, 1785, 1793; – Half Thalers, 1785, 1786; – and on the Medal of Merit of 1791 and 1792, in gold and silver, granted by the City and Republic of Basle for services in the field. To this engraver are ascribed the Thalers and Half Thalers of 1798, struck at Basle and Soleure, for the Government of the Helvetic Republic, but it is not impossible that the signature H on these coins stands for J. F. Hueber, who also worked at Basle at the end of the eighteenth century in the capacity of Medallist and Coin-engraver. Although very few coins bear Joh. Jak. Handmann and his son's signatures, it is quite likely that they engraved a great many of the dies for the coinage issued at Basle between 1740 and 1798, especially of the smaller denominations.

Fonte: FORRER 1902-30 II, p. 416

Segni di zecca
383 H 1770 – 1798

Il Forrer (1902-30, II, p. 416) riporta: To this engraver are ascribed the Thalers and Half Thalers of 1798, struck at Basle and Soleure, for the Government of the Helvetic Republic, but it is not impossible that the signature H on these coins stands for J. F. Hueber, who also worked at Basle at the end of the eighteenth century in the capacity of Medallist and Coin-engraver.

Zecca: Basilea
Fonte: FORRER 1902-30 II, p. 416

Occupazione Medaglista e incisore di sigilli a Basilea

Fonte: FORRER 1902-30 II, p. 416

Relazioni con altre maestranze di zecca
figlio di Johann Jacob Handmann Citazione incerta

Fonte: FORRER 1902-30 II, p. 416

vedi anche Johann Friedrich Huber

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Johann Jacob Handmann
Johann Friedrich Huber

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