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cod. persona: 8259 status di approvazione: public
Philippe Danfrie [2]
Periodo di attività: 1598 – 1606 Sesso: M

Varianti del nome documentate:
- Philip Danfrie
- Philippe Danfrie
- Philippe Danfrie the Younger

Attività di zecca
(zecca non precisata) ante 1 luglio 1606 Engraver-general [EN]

Nicolas Briot gli subentrò nell'incarico il 1° luglio 1606.

Dettagli riferimento: data di termine dell'incarico o appalto
Fonte: FORRER 1902-30 I, p. 503

(zecche del Bearn e della Bassa Navarra) 1598 Engraver-general [EN]

Il Forrer (1902-30, I, p. 503) riporta: he was appointed Engraver-general of the coins of Beam and Lower Navarre, on his father's resignation, in 1598. He was received at the Court ot Henry IV. on the 7th of June, 1596, and is mentioned as a Paris Medallist, between 1602 and 1604. He was no doubt employed at the Paris Mint also; Barre even says that after the death of Gervais Pillon, 1595, Philippe Danfrie the younger held the combined functions of Comptroller and Engraver-general of the Coins of France. It does not seem very clear whether both father and son filled the same office, but it is quite evident that they were both working at about the same time.

Dettagli riferimento: data di inizio dell'incarico o appalto
Fonte: FORRER 1902-30 I, p. 503

Parigi ante 1606 Chief-engraver [EN]

Il Forrer (1902-30, I, pp. 285-286) riporta: [Nicolas] Briot succeeded Philip Danfrie at the Paris Mint, from whom he had purchased the office on the death of his son.

Nome registrato: Philip Danfrie
Fonte: FORRER 1902-30 I, pp. 285-286

Relazioni con altre maestranze di zecca
figlio di Philippe Danfrie [1]

Fonte: FORRER 1902-30 I, p. 503

vedi anche Nicolas Briot

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Nicolas Briot
Philippe Danfrie [1]

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