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cod. persona: 7753 status di approvazione: public
Anthony Derick
Periodo di attività: 1552 – 1576 Sesso: M

Varianti del nome documentate:
- Anthonie Derick
- Anthony Derick
- Derick Anthony

Il Forrer (1902-30, I, p. 60) annota: He was a good artist and brought many needed improvements to the Regal coinage of his time. In un altro punto (p. 560) riporta: He is said to have succeeded Robert, on the latter's decease (Harl. MSS. n° 698, folio 51). In the same document, when the name of this engraver reappears under Elizabeth, it is spelt Anthony Derick. During his tenure of office, important alterations were made in the currency, which had become so debased as to give rise to general discontent, which found vent in the curious epigrams, printed circa 1562 and intended to throw ridicule upon the early coinage of Edward VI.

Attività di zecca
Londra 1552 c. Engraver [EN]

Operò durante il 6° anno di regno di Edoardo VI d'Inghilterra (1547-53).

Fonte: FORRER 1902-30 I, pp. 60 (Derick Anthony), 560 (Anthony Derick, Anthonie Derick)

Londra 1559 c. – 1576 c. Engraver [EN]

Operò dal 2° al 18° anno di Elisabetta I d'Inghilterra (1558-1603).

Nome registrato: Derick Anthony
Fonte: FORRER 1902-30 I, pp. 60 (Derick Anthony), 560 (Anthony Derick, Anthonie Derick)

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