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cod. persona: 7649 status di approvazione: public
James Acheson
Periodo di attività: 1525 – 1546 Sesso: M

Varianti del nome documentate:
- James Acheson
- James Achesoun

Attività di zecca
Edinburgh 1525 – 1546 Moneyer or mint-master [EN]

Il Forrer (1902-20, I, p. 20) riporta: Moneyer (or Mint-master) at Edinburgh, 1525-1546, under James V. of Scotland. We read of his receiving on the 12th November 1526 an order to coin gold and silver money, and another, previously, on the 1st March 1525-6. Down to 1538, his name is several times mentioned in the accounts of the Lord High Treasurer under James V.; it appears that the following year he refused to strike bawbees, ordered on the responsibility of the Laird of Sillebawby; probably on this account Acheson withdrew from the management of the mint; but in 1540 both he and Alexander Orrok "de Sillebawby" appear as master-moneyers. He probably remained in office until alter the accession of Mary, and was succeeded by his son John.

Fonte: FORRER 1902-30 I, p. 20

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