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cod. persona: 6393 status di approvazione: public
Pierre Wautier van de Goor
Periodo di attività: 1830 Sesso: M

Varianti del nome documentate:
- Pierre Wautier van de Goor

Il Forrer (1902-30, II, p. 293) riporta: He first studied at Paris, and on his return to his native country, the government of the Netherlands engaged him as Engraver at the Mint of Brussels, where he cut the dies for the first Ten Florin pieces. Later, he was sent to the Utrecht Mint, where he engraved the Colonial Half and Quarter Florins for the Dutch East Indies. Guioth remarks that Van de Goor was one of the few Belgian officials whom the Dutch government retained after the Revolution of 1830.

Attività di zecca
Bruxelles n.s. (1830 c.) Coin-engraver [EN]

Fonte: FORRER 1902-30 II, p. 293

Utrecht n.s. (1830 c.) Coin-engraver [EN]

Fonte: FORRER 1902-30 II, p. 293

Formazione Sudiò a Parigi

Fonte: FORRER 1902-30 II, p. 293

Morte, data 1851 1851

Fonte: FORRER 1902-30 II, p. 293

Nascita, data 29 gennaio 1783 29 gennaio 1783

Fonte: FORRER 1902-30 II, p. 293

Nascita, luogo Anversa

Fonte: FORRER 1902-30 II, p. 293

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