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cod. persona: 6371 status di approvazione: public
Daniel Goffin
Periodo di attività: 1614 – 1629 Sesso: M

Varianti del nome documentate:
- Daniel Goffin

Il Forrer (1904, p. 289) riporta: Founder and Engraver, born a Givonne, near Sedan (Ardennes). He flourished circa 1614. a about that time, he engraved sixty pairs of dies for the gold, silver and copper coinage of Sedan, and for that ot the sovereignties of Raucourt, La Tour-a-Glaire, and Chateau-Regnault. This artist, who belonged to the protestant faith, undertook in 1627 to execute dies for the silver coins which Lambert de Duras, Count of Meldre, Governor of Bouillon, had arranged to strike with his arms, by edict of the 27th October of that same year, on his assumption of sovereignty. In Poey d'Avant, Monnaies feodales de France, a large number of coins of the Duke of Bouillon, Sovereign Lord of Sedan and Raucourt, struck in 1614 and 1615 from Daniel Coffin's dies, are illustrated on Plates 146 to 148, and exhibit fine workmanship. The jetons engraved by him are, however, of little merit; one of them bears his name as R/ legend: * DANIEL * COFFIN * A * SEDAN. It would appear that Coffin cut dies a the Mint of La Vanette, for imitations of Spanish, Italian, and German coins, and that on the forgeries being found out, Jean de la Noue, the Mint-master, was arrested and hanged in 1629. The coins engraved for the Seigneur Lambert d'Oyembrugge de Duras consisted of One and Six Sol pieces, Patagons, Florins, Ecus, Half-reals of the types of Liege and the Netherlands, Rycksdalers similar to those of Nuremberg, Frankfort and Hamburg, Dalers resembling those of Bouillon, Ducats of the type of the Dutch ducats, with the R/ legend: LAMBERTVS DE DVRAS B. SVPREMVS HAYON.

Attività di zecca
La Vanette ante 1629 Incisore

Fonte: FORRER 1902-30 II, p. 289

Sedan 1614 c. Incisore

Intorno al 1614 incise sessanta ocppie di conii per monete d'oro, d'argento e di rame per Sedan.

Fonte: FORRER 1902-30 II, pp. 288-289

Nascita, luogo Givonne, nei pressi di Sedan (Ardenne)

Fonte: FORRER 1902-30 II, p. 288

Religione Protestante

Fonte: FORRER 1902-30 II, p. 289

Relazioni con altre maestranze di zecca
parente di Jean Goffin Citazione incerta

Fonte: FORRER 1902-30 II, p. 289

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