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cod. persona: 6354 status di approvazione: public
Göbel (fratelli)
Periodo di attività: 1578 – 1585 Sesso: M

Attività di zecca
Danzig/Danzica n.s. (1578 c. – 1585 c.) Mint-contractors [EN]

Il Forrer (1902_30, II, p. 284) riporta: Between 1578 and 1585 this firm struck Denarii, Schillings, Groschen, Dreigroschers. Ducats and some gold coins of higher denominations (5 and 10 Ducats), all, which, with the exception of the Denarii, bear the annulet, which was the Mint-mark of the Brothers Göbel.

Fonte: FORRER 1902-30 II, p. 284

Segni di zecca
(immagine non disponibile) annulet [EN] n.s. (1578 c. – 1585 c.)

Il Forrer (1902_30, II, p. 284) riporta: Between 1578 and 1585 this firm struck Denarii, Schillings, Groschen, Dreigroschers. Ducats and some gold coins of higher denominations (5 and 10 Ducats), all, which, with the exception of the Denarii, bear the annulet, which was the Mint-mark of the Brothers Göbel.

Zecca: Danzig/Danzica
Fonte: FORRER 1902-30 II, p. 284

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