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cod. persona: 5766 status di approvazione: public
Thomas Foulis
Periodo di attività: 1598 Sesso: M

Varianti del nome documentate:
- Thomas Foulis

Il Forrer (1904, pp. 128-129) riporta: Goldsmith and Die-sinker, who was employed on the Scottish coinage, a the end of the sixteenth and beginning of the seventeenth centuries. Burns informs us that 'on the 2nd August 1598, the profits and casualties of the mint (Edinburgh) were let for six years to Thomas Foulis, goldsmith, and Robert Jowsie, merchant, burgesses of Edinburgh, a an annual rent of £ 5000 or 7500 merks. The coinage of ten-shilling pieces and
their parts, and ot the corresponding gold money, which, on the expiry of the tack of the Burgh of Edinburgh, had been suspended, was now resumed, in the value, weight, and fineness as before'. But as early as 1591, we hear of Foulis being employed in the capacity of coin-engraver a the same Mint. 'By the Act of privy council, of the 8th of March 1591-2, Thomas Foullis, goldsmith to his Majesty, and sinker of the irons a the cunyehouse, was commissioned to contract with sir William Bowes of London or others, for the reducing of all the base and the alloyed money, the pennies and two penny placks alone excepted. Two thousand four hundred stones of base money were to be reduced; for the reduction and refining of which, on every twelve ounces, Thomas Foullis was to pay 'aucht pennyis Stirling, or sax shillingis Scottis' money, thus giving a this time the value of English money as exactly nine times that of Scottish money. The dies of the Thistle Noble (1588) of James VI. were engraved by him, as also those of the Forty-shilling piece of 1582, the portrait of the King being drawn by Lord Seyton's painter. In 1605, Thomas Foulis is once more mentioned in contemporary documents as 'Sinker of His Majesties Irines'.

Attività di zecca
Edinburgh 1598 c. Die-sinker [EN]

Fonte: FORRER 1902-30 II, pp. 128-129

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