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cod. persona: 5349 status di approvazione: public
Thomas Egerton
Periodo di attività: 1553 Sesso: M

Varianti del nome documentate:
- Thomas Egerton

Attività di zecca
Londra 20 agosto 1553 Mint-master [EN]

Il Forrer (1902-30, II, p. 9) riporta: "By a proclamation ot the 20th August 1553, and an indenture of the same date made with Thomas Egerton, Thomas Stanley, and others, it was ordered that the gold coins to be thenceforth made were to be the sovereign, which was to be current for 30 s.; the half-sovereign, to be called the royal of gold, and to be current for 15 s.; the angel at 10 s.; and the halfangel as 5 s. All to be of fine gold, i.e.; of the old standard, 23 cts. 3 1/2 grs. fine gold to 1/2 gr. alloy. By a proclamation of the 4th of March 1553-4, the following foreign gold coins were made current throughout the kingdom, and were ordered to be paid and received, on pain, of imprisonment, at the rates fixed, namely, the French crown of the sun at 6 s, 4 d.; the crown of the Emperor's coin at the same rate; the double-ducat of Spain, with two faces, at 13 s. 4 d.; the single ducat at 6 s. 8 d.; provided in all cases they were of just standard, weight, and fineness. And to these were added by a proclamation of May, 1554, three Portuguese coins – the single crusade, with the long cross, at 6 s. 8 d., the same with the short cross, aa the same rate; and the pistolett at 6 s. 2 d.".

Dettagli riferimento: data di nomina o elezione alla carica
Fonte: FORRER 1902-30 II, p. 9

Relazioni con altre maestranze di zecca
insieme a (sconosciuti) [35] 20 agosto 1553

Zecca: Londra
Fonte: FORRER 1902-30 II, p. 9

insieme a Thomas Stanley 20 agosto 1553

Zecca: Londra
Fonte: FORRER 1902-30 II, p. 9

altre informazioni:

schede che puntano qui

(sconosciuti) [35]
Thomas Stanley

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