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S. F.


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Fonte: FORRER 1902-30 II, p. 62

Attestazioni d'uso
Joseph Fabi Vienna 1780

Il Forrer (1902-30, II, p. 64) riporta: Their [of Joseph Fabi and Tobias Johann Schöbel] appear on the thalers of that date, and modern struck Levantine dollars.

Fonte: FORRER 1902-30 II, p. 64

Samuel Fischer Berna 1679

Fonte: FORRER 1902-30 II, p. 62

Förster Norimberga 1760 – 1764

Fonte: FORRER 1902-30 II, p. 62

Anton Schabel (zecca non precisata) 1765 – 1797

Nome registrato: Schabel
Fonte: FORRER 1902-30 II, p. 62

N. Schauben Copenhagen 1590 – 1599

Fonte: FORRER 1902-30 II, p. 62

Tobias Johann Schöbel Vienna 1780

Il Forrer (1902-30, II, p. 64) riporta: Their [of Joseph Fabi and Tobias Johann Schöbel] appear on the thalers of that date, and modern struck Levantine dollars.

Fonte: FORRER 1902-30 II, p. 64

Scholz Norimberga 1760 – 1764

Fonte: FORRER 1902-30 II, p. 62

Adam Schultz Copenhagen 1716 – 1724

Nome registrato: A. Schultz
Fonte: FORRER 1902-30 I, p. 62

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