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Fonte: FORRER 1902-30 II, p. 176
MARINI 1909, p. 238

Attestazioni d'uso
Chiaffredo Grobert Chambéry 1595

Nome registrato: Chiaffredo Gröber
Fonte: MARINI 1909 p. 238

Johann Georg Grohmann Dresden 1844

Il Forrer (1902-30, II, p. 176) riporta: On the rare Saxon thalers of 1844, the G is followed by a dot, which signifies that they were struck alter Grohmann's death. Più oltre (p. 317), aggiunge: The rare Saxon Thalers of 1844, which have a dot after the G were struck after Grohmann's death. I have seen a Double Thaler of 1842 of Joseph of Saxe-Altenburg with this Mint-master's initial under the Duke's bust.

Fonte: FORRER 1902-30 II, p. 176

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