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cod. segno di zecca: 2146 status di approvazione: public
C (gotica)


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Fonte: FORRER 1902-30 I, p. 561

Attestazioni d'uso
Bernhard Dernbach Citazione errata/imprecisa Francoforte sul Meno 1452 – 1454

Il Forrer (1902-30, I, p. 561) riporta: On some of these coins a C appears which Rüppel has taken to be the initial of Dernbach; it really stands for Conrad von Weinsberg, Mint-master, as the following record from a document of 1432 proves beyond doubt: "Conrat herre zu Winsperg... moge Stempel schneiden lassen..., ondu eyner differencie demselben keyserliche bilde zwuschen den beynen ein C setzen".

Fonte: FORRER 1902-30 I, p. 561

Conrad von Weinsberg Francoforte sul Meno 1432

Il Forrer (1902-30, I, p. 561) riporta: On some of these coins a C appears which Rüppel has taken to be the initial of Dernbach; it really stands for Conrad von Weinsberg, Mint-master, as the following record from a document of 1432 proves beyond doubt: "Conrat herre zu Winsperg... moge Stempel schneiden lassen..., ondu eyner differencie demselben keyserliche bilde zwuschen den beynen ein C setzen".

Fonte: FORRER 1902-30 I, p. 561

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