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cod. segno di zecca: 1942 status di approvazione: public
B. I. B.


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Il Forrer (1902-30, I, p. 181) riporta: There is also a medal commemorating the second centenary of the Reformation, 1717,
issued by the Landgrave Ernest Louis of Hesse-Darmstadt, bearing hese initials

Fonte: FORRER 1902-30 I, pp. 162, 181, 186

Attestazioni d'uso
Balthasar Johann Bengeradt Francoforte sul Meno 1738 – 1762

Fonte: FORRER 1902-30 I, p. 186

Balthasar Johann Bengeradt Francoforte sul Meno 1740

Il Forrer (1902-30, I, p. 162) riporta: He cut the dies of the Half-Ducats of 1740, which bear his initials B. I. B.

Fonte: FORRER 1902-30 I, p. 162

Balthasar Johann Bethmann Darmstradt 1707 – 1733

Fonte: FORRER 1902-30 I, pp. 181, 186

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