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cod. bibliografia: 4132 Approved (l.gianazza)
(R.A. Abdy)
Oxborough, Norfolk / Patching and Oxborough: the latest coin hoards from Roman Britain of the first early medieval hoards from England?
Abbreviazione: ABDY 2009
Sigla: No

in Coin Hards from Roman Britain XII (Collection Moneta 97), ed. by R. ABDY, E. GHEY, C. HUGHES, I. LEINS, Wetteren 2009, pp. 393-395



Titolo formattato

R.A. ABDY, Oxborough, Norfolk / Patching and Oxborough: the latest coin hoards from Roman Britain of the first early medieval hoards from England?, in Coin Hards from Roman Britain XII (Collection Moneta 97), ed. by R. ABDY, E. GHEY, C. HUGHES, I. LEINS, Wetteren 2009, pp. 393-395

Cronologia delle modifiche

03/05/2017 15:06:43 - Approved (l.gianazza)

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